september 21st, 2021 - & onward

sneezing, the way chocolate cracks off of an ice cream bar, the smell of an old book or record sleeve, vanilla, the maximal smoothness of the force between
two opposing magnets, an idling truck engine filtered through a wall, bitcrushed audio, pinching a very smooth fabric like satin to rub it against itself,
the playstation one startup sound, freshly mown grass, birdsong, petrichor, diesel exhaust (hesitantly), torsion pendulum clocks, smiley faces, dark grey
quadrilaterals with one pixel thick #ff0000 borders, an antique mall, sparkly instrumental timbres, orange incandescent street lights, radio towers'
lonely red light pulsations in the night sky, the captivatingly frightening metallic groans of a parked train nudging back & forth, the sounds of a
washer & dryer, a warm blanket, a properly crunchy maraschino cherry, human companionship, liquidity, the smell of a crayon, my upstairs neighbors
vacuuming directly above my room, cobbler, iowa city, lush greenness, the smell of a blacktop parking lot on a sufficiently hot day (hesitantly),
being silly for someone to whom silliness registers, music, lasagnacat sex survey results, peaches, nineteenth century paintings, inspiration,
naturalist institutions & facilities, when water comes out of the tap with a uniquely smooth & soft feeling, the fake flowers aisle at a
department store, hundred year old brick buildings, scented candles, the autumn smell of something burning in the distance, crunchy thunder,
google street view rewound to 2007, blueberry tea, the chatter of nocturnal bugs, the buzzing of cicadas, milk chocolate, getting a dog so
excited it runs laps around the house, peacefully forgetting the future & the past for at least a couple of minutes, a stream of water
lazily crawling along a near-level stretch of concrete like a strange gelatinous snake, the smell of fresh air, hard flat grey carpeting,
pretty rugs, living spaces that feel like holdovers from past decades, burritos, mediocre live rock music muffled through a wall or
several, a wall clock playing the westminster quarters, tmbg music videos animated by divya srinivasan, woodland creatures
(gopher, squirrel, raccoon, chipmunk, etc.), the calming rushing sound of the a/c vent above my bed, when i sit shirtless on
my bed & the fan makes wisps of hair gently graze my back & shoulders, vhs cases, diamond-shaped logos, deviled
eggs, tart cranberry juice, la stanza delle bambole, teddy bears, anomalies, diversity, laughing, simultaneous
listening of music, watery mp3 compression, piesek w kratke, friendliness, being scratched on the head
or the upper back, a mischievous demeanor, ice cream sandwiches, a weed whacker outside, cigarette
smoke (hesitantly), the smell of coffee brewing in the morning, the feeling of a one hundred year old
house or apartment, the sound of a mouse scratching in the wall, the sound of a dog licking itself,
stretching, a warm blanket warmed in the dryer, correspondence, warm sunlight, a soft purple-tinged
forgiving morning, absurdity, a metaphorical breath of fresh air, shared sensibilities, the different way
fresh air smells when smelled from indoors, mourning dove calls, getting home from a very long walk,
the irreplaceable mental timbre of a given dream or memory, incense, benignity, running from someone
in play, a hammock, falling asleep prone with limbs straight, chickens, stuffed animals, clarity, vintage
polaroid land camera with bellows, a certain dark kind of wood, fake rubber grapes, fake fruit is props in a
portrait studio, old radiator, old house room warmed by radiator, falling asleep on my stomach with my hands
tucked under my body they fit in my hip bones, sour cream in burritos, manicotti, chocolate covered strawberries,
little debbie mass produced strawberry shortcake snack, red hiland milk crates, classical organ compositions (bach!)